Oral care|Toothbrush
Production of this product ends on 2024/03/31 and will be discontinued as soon as we run out of stock in stores. Thank you very much for using our products for a long time.
A toothbrush designed to care gently for when you want to brush your gum line gently and thoroughly. With five technologies focused on gentleness to the gums and plaque removal from the gum line. 1. Luxuriously filled with more than 4,000 bristles, the most ever among Kao toothbrushes. 2. Silky tapered ends gentle to the gum line. 3. Grip to pinch for easy brushing along the gum line. 4. Wavy cut design that fits well along the gum line. 5. Thin head that reaches deep behind back teeth. Catches clumps of bacteria (plaque) hidden in gum lines.
ピュオーラハブラシ コンパクト ふつう
ピュオーラハブラシ 薄型コンパクト ふつう
ピュオーラハブラシ すき間PRO コンパクト ふつう
ピュオーラ36500ハブラシ 1本1本磨き ふつう
ピュオーラ36500 歯周ポケットクリーナー 2本入
ピュオーラ36500ハブラシ やわふわ濃密 やわらかめ
ピュオーラ36500ハブラシ キュッと押しマッサージ やわらかめ
Place of origin
Made in Japan
ピュオーラGRANハブラシ いたわり磨き ミディアムソフト
EAN code