Oral care|Toothbrush
Production of this product ends on 2024/03/31 and will be discontinued as soon as we run out of stock in stores. Thank you very much for using our products for a long time.
A toothbrush designed to provide impressive fit when you want to brush each tooth with care.
With special technologies to care for difficult to brush areas including the “gum line,” “deep behind back teeth” and the “inner side of front teeth.”
1. Wavy cut design fits along the gum line and teeth.
2. Slim head securely reaches deep behind back teeth.
3. Grip to pinch with two fingers enables smooth brushing even on the inner side of front teeth.
4. Super-compact head allows smooth brushing of each tooth. Catches clumps of bacteria (plaque).
Available in two colors: pink and blue.
ピュオーラハブラシ コンパクト ふつう
ピュオーラハブラシ 薄型コンパクト ふつう
ピュオーラハブラシ すき間PRO コンパクト ふつう
ピュオーラ36500ハブラシ 1本1本磨き ふつう
ピュオーラ36500 歯周ポケットクリーナー 2本入
ピュオーラ36500ハブラシ やわふわ濃密 やわらかめ
ピュオーラ36500ハブラシ キュッと押しマッサージ やわらかめ
Place of origin
Made in Japan
ピュオーラGRAN(グラン) ハブラシ ていねい磨き 超コンパクト [やわらかめ]
EAN code