Household cleaning products|Toilet cleaning products
Just cover the toilet bowl with absorbent foam that has excellent foam retention※1. Leave for 5 minutes to make the toilet sparkling clean!※2
A cleaner formulated exclusively for inside toilet bowls for easy cleaning with no scrubbing needed!※2
Can be sprayed upside-down to firmly reach and clean behind rims as well.
Eliminates bacteria※3 and viruses※4, prevents black patches※5, and prevents yellow stains and calcium deposits※5 inside toilet bowls, together with providing deodorizing effects!
Clear Water Mint Scent
※1 Compared to Kao products ※2 Formulated exclusively for inside toilet bowls; Cannot remove stuck-on dirt. ※3 Does not guarantee the elimination of all bacteria. ※4 Does not guarantee the elimination of all viruses. Tested effectiveness with one type of enveloped virus. ※5 Any existing dirt should be removed before use.
トイレマジックリン消臭・洗浄スプレー ミントの香り 本体 350ml
トイレマジックリン消臭・洗浄スプレー 香り消臭 エレガントローズの香り 本体
トイレマジックリン消臭・洗浄スプレー 汚れ予防プラス シトラスミントの香り 本体
トイレマジックリン消臭・洗浄スプレー 除菌・抗菌 本体
トイレマジックリン こすらずスッキリ泡パック サボン&シトラスの香り 本体
トイレマジックリン こすらずスッキリ泡パック ホワイトフローラルの香り 本体
トイレマジックリン消臭・洗浄スプレー 消臭ストロング 本体 400ml
トイレマジックリン 強力クレンザー
Water Mint Scent
How to use
Intended usage
How to use
Inside toilet bowls
For overall cleaning
● Spray and allow the foam to adhere evenly to the inside of the toilet bowl, and flush with water after leaving for 5 minutes.
※ If the inside of the toilet bowl is heavily soiled, repeated use is recommended.
Eliminating bacteria*1 and viruses*2
● Spray and allow the foam to adhere, and flush with water after leaving for 5 minutes.
*1 Does not guarantee the elimination of all bacteria.
*2 Does not guarantee the elimination of all viruses. Tested effectiveness with one type of enveloped virus.
Preventing black patches near the waterline
Preventing yellow stains and calcium deposits behind rims, etc.
● Spray and allow the foam to adhere, and flush with water after leaving for 5 minutes.
※ More effective when used daily for lasting effects.
※ Any existing dirt should be removed before use.
● Spray in the toilet bowl after using or after flushing.
● Do not spray into the air.
● When the remaining liquid level is low, it can be difficult to spray at angles other than upright or upside-down.
● Do not use for other than the intended use.
● Do not use for wiping floors, walls, toilet seats, etc. If liquid gets on, wipe off with toilet paper, etc.
● Do not use on warm water cleaning nozzles, warm air outlets and switches.
● Do not soak toilet paper with the product and leave it on objects.
● Keep out of reach of small children.
● Carefully select the place to store the product in order to prevent sufferers of dementia from accidentally swallowing the product.
● Use kitchen gloves if your skin is prone to roughness or you are using the product for long periods of time.
トイレマジックリン こすらずスッキリ泡パック ウォーターミントの香り 本体
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