Household cleaning products|Bathroom cleaning products
Prevents pink bacteria buildup and black mold for a week in addition to cleaning※1! With antibacterial effects※2 and eliminates viruses ※3 for bathtubs. Eliminates bacteria on sponges※4. Designed for swift rinsing. The highest level of mold-preventing capability within the バスマジックリン series. Green Herb Scent. ※1, 2 Any existing dirt should be removed before use ※2, 3, 4 Does not guarantee the elimination of all bacteria and viruses and antibacterial effects for all bacteria ※2 Antibacterial after cleaning until bathtub is filled with hot water (within 24 hours) ※3 Tested effectiveness with one type of enveloped virus
バスマジックリン 485ml
バスマジックリン 泡立ちスプレー 本体 350ml
バスマジックリン SUPER泡洗浄 香りが残らないタイプ 本体 350ml
バスマジックリン SUPER泡洗浄 アロマローズの香り 本体 350ml
バスマジックリン エアジェット ハーバルシトラスの香り 本体 430ml
バスマジックリン エアジェット 除菌EX ハーバルクリアの香り 本体 400ml
バスマジックリン エアジェット 除菌EX フラワーシャワーの香り 本体 400ml
Green Herb Scent
How to use
Intended usage
How to use
For cleaning inside bathtubs
● Spray on dirt after wetting the entire area with the shower or a sponge etc. Leave for 20 to 30 seconds and rinse off.
※ For heavy-duty stains, scrub lightly with a sponge and rinse off.
For cleaning floors, walls, sinks, bath chairs, etc.
● Directly spray on dirt and scrub lightly with a sponge, then rinse off.
● For best results on heavily soiled areas, leave for approximately 2 to 3 minutes.
For the elimination of bacteria※1, antibacterial effects for bathtubs※2, and elimination of viruses※3
● Wipe off water, spray directly on target areas and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse off.
For the prevention of pink bacteria buildup and slime on drains
For the prevention of mold (Does not remove black mold)
● Wipe off water, spray directly on target areas and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse off.
● Use about once a week for lasting effects. More effective when used daily.
To eliminate bacteria on sponges※1
● Squeeze the sponge well and spray about 5 times (5 ml) with the tip of the spray pressed against the sponge, allowing the product to penetrate evenly. Leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse with water.
※1 Does not guarantee the elimination of all bacteria.
※2 Does not guarantee antibacterial effects for all bacteria. Any existing dirt should be removed before use. Antibacterial after cleaning until bathtub is filled with hot water (within 24 hours).
※3 Does not guarantee the elimination of all viruses. Tested effectiveness with one type of enveloped virus.
● Do not use for other than the intended use.
● Keep out of reach of small children.
● Carefully select the place to store the product in order to prevent sufferers of dementia from accidentally swallowing the product.
● Make sure to store after turning the nozzle to “止.”
● Do not spray with the nozzle turned to “止.”
● Apply product on a sponge or cloth when using above eye-level.
● Ensure good ventilation when using the product.
● Do not use on marble (Can be used on artificial marble).
● Make sure to test painted surfaces on an inconspicuous area before use.
● Wash hands thoroughly with water after use.
● Use kitchen gloves if your skin is prone to roughness or you are using the product for long periods of time.
バスマジックリン SUPER泡洗浄 グリーンハーブの香り 本体 350ml
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