Kitchen careBleach for kitchen

キッチンハイター 小 600ml

  • Bacteria Elimination

A soak type bleach for kitchen.

This is a bleach for kitchen that eliminates bacteria, whitens and deodorizes completely by soaking. Eliminates bacteria and deodorizes tea towels and cutting boards with germs and odor. Bleaches dull and stained items and remove tea stains on cups which dishwashing detergent cannot get rid of. Can be used to eliminate bacteria and viruses from baby bottles and children’s mugs as well. Takes 30 minutes to whiten and only 2 minutes to eliminate bacteria. Can be used to eliminate viruses from door knobs and handles as well.

Content amount 600ml

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Precautions when sending products by air

●This product is classified as an aviation hazardous material as defined by the Civil Aeronautics Act.
●When requesting a carrier (e.g. post office) to ship the product, please inform them that this product is classified as an aviation hazardous goods.
●If the carrier requests detailed information about the product, please contact the Kao Consumer Communication Center.
 E-mail:Inquiry form

How to use ・ Precautions

How to use

Recommended dilution amount for this product, キッチンハイター
When eliminating viruses, it is assumed that the product has been purchased within the last 3 months.

● Cutting boards, tableware, teapots, tumblers, mugs, baby bottles, lunch boxes, etc.
[Recommended usage amount] About 2 full caps in 5 L of water (1 cap is about 25 ml)

<Eliminating bacteria / Deodorizing>
 Soak for about 2 minutes and rinse with water. ※ Soak for at least 5 minutes on wooden cutting boards.

<Eliminating viruses>
 After washing with dishwashing detergent, soak for about 30 seconds and rinse with water.

 Soak for about 30 minutes (or longer for heavy-duty dirt) and rinse with water.

● Dishcloths, counter cloths and hand towels
[Recommended usage amount] About 1.2 caps in 5 L of water (1 cap is about 25 ml)

<Eliminating bacteria / Deodorizing>
 Soak for about 2 minutes and rinse with water.

 Soak for about 30 minutes (or longer for heavy-duty dirt) and rinse with water.

● For doorknobs, handles, inside refrigerators, etc.
[Recommended usage amount] About 0.4 caps in 1 L of water (1 cap is about 25 ml)

<Eliminating bacteria and viruses and deodorizing>
 After wiping with cloth soaked with diluted solution, make sure to wipe with water.


Make sure to read the precautions and handling instructions before use.
Do not use when you are not feeling well.
※ Do not refill this product into a spray bottle of [キッチン泡ハイター]. (Will not “foam” and will instead be dangerous as liquid will spill out.)

● Do not use for other than the intended use.
● To prevent accidental swallowing of the product, carefully select the place where you put the product and the tableware being whitened.
● Do not use the product undiluted.
● Do not use with extremely hot water.
● Please note the undiluted solution may spill out if you hold the container too tightly when opening the cap.
● Be careful not to get the liquid in your eyes or on skin or clothing.
● Use kitchen gloves when using the product.
● Do not use with other detergents and products.
● Avoid mixing with acidic products, chlorine drain slime removers, kitchen waste, vinegar and alcohol. Dangerous and harmful gas will be emitted.
● Do not fill with water or anything else and do not refill to other containers. The container may explode.
● Using together with oxygen bleach products will reduce the effectiveness.
● Be careful not to let it get onto clothing, carpets and furniture as it may cause bleaching.
● Avoid direct sunlight and keep away from areas with high temperatures.

● Harmful chlorine gas is emitted if used (mixed) with acidic products.
● If the product gets in your eyes, rinse immediately with water.
● Keep out of reach of small children.
● Always ensure good ventilation when using.

Size・EAN Code

キッチンハイター 小 600ml

Content amount
Number per carton
Size (mm)
ITF code on carton
Ordering units (for suppliers)

EAN code

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