Skin care|Face wash・Soap
Provides a frictionless way to wash without your hands directly touching skin, and removes pore impurities. A generous amount of whipped cream-like foam that is one of the best among our ビオレ brand face wash products. Formula for clearing buildup in the pores. Dissolves and clears away buildup in the pores that causes blackheads. Leaves skin smooth and free of roughness after rinsing. ● Washes while protecting the barrier function that maintains the skin’s moisture ● Can be used on delicate skin prone to dryness ● Soft Bergamot Sabon Scent
ビオレ ザフェイス 泡洗顔料 ディープモイスト 本体
ビオレ ザフェイス 泡洗顔料 モイスト 本体
ビオレ ザフェイス 泡洗顔料 オイルコントロール 本体
ビオレ ザフェイス 泡洗顔料 アクネケア 本体
ビオレ マシュマロホイップ モイスチャー 本体
ビオレ マシュマロホイップ アクネケア 本体
ビオレ スキンケア洗顔料 モイスチャー [大]
ビオレ スキンケア洗顔料 リッチモイスチャー
ビオレ スキンケア洗顔料 薬用アクネケア
ビオレ スキンケア洗顔料 スクラブin
Registered name
Precautions when refilling
Make sure to refill into an original container of “ビオレザフェイス 泡洗顔料スムースクリア.”
● Do not refill other containers.
● Do not top up the product. Refill all at once.
● Make sure not to mix it with other products or products with different serial numbers.
● Do not use the product on problem areas with wounds, swelling or rashes.
● Pay close attention to your skin while using the product to see if your skin experiences problems. Stop using the product and consult a dermatologist if it does not suit your skin, if you experience redness, swelling, itching, irritation, loss of color (e.g. white blotches) or darkening during use, or if the above conditions appear after your skin is exposed to direct sunlight. Continuing to use the product may worsen these symptoms.
● Avoid contact with eyes. If the product gets in your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
Place of origin
Made in Japan
ビオレ ザフェイス 泡洗顔料 スムースクリア つめかえ用 大容量
EAN code