Skin care|Makeup remover
Raises and captures foundation in pores! Large sheets soaked with plenty of liquid wipe off makeup as if you are washing your face. Refresh your skin. ○ With Dirt-Catching & Holding Sheets technology ○ No need to wash face after wiping off makeup ○ Colorant-free ○ Oil-free ○ Allergy tested (This does not constitute a guarantee that all users will be free from allergic reactions) ○ Can be used instead of face wash for skin without makeup as well ○ Clear Aqua Floral Scent
ビオレ ザクレンズオイルメイク落とし 本体
ビオレ ザクレンズオイルメイク落とし モイスト 本体
ビオレ パチパチはたらくメイク落とし 本体 210ml
ビオレ おうちdeエステ メイク落とし マッサージブラックジェル 200g
ビオレ 泡クリームメイク落とし 本体 210ml
ビオレ パーフェクトオイル [本体]
ビオレ うるおいクレンジングリキッド [本体]
ビオレ メイクとろりん なで落ちジェル [170g]
ビオレ しっかりクリアジェル
ビオレ ふくだけコットンうるおいリッチ 本体
ビオレ ふくだけコットン うるおいリッチ 携帯用
ビオレ ふくだけコットン 本体
ビオレ しっかりアイメイク落としシート
ビオレ メイクも落とせる洗顔料 うるうる密着泡 本体 160ml
ビオレ メイクも落とせる洗顔料 つるすべ美肌
Registered name
Clear Aqua Floral Scent
How to use
How to use
● Without rubbing hard, wipe off makeup gently.
● Use clean sides to wipe. Both sides of the sheet can be used. The procedure is complete when nothing more gets onto the wipe. About 1 sheet is recommended for each use.
● Use with clean hands.
● No need to wash face after wiping off makeup. However, rinse off if stickiness is a concern.
● You can proceed with your usual skincare procedure, using a lotion or other products.
● Can be used as a substitute for face wash in the morning as well.
● Can be used as a sunscreen remover on the neck and arms as well as the face.
● For waterproof or other eye makeup that is difficult to remove, we recommend using “ビオレしっかりアイメイク落としシート.”
● Do not use the product on problem areas with wounds, swelling or rashes.
● Pay close attention to your skin while using the product to see if your skin experiences problems. Stop using the product and consult a dermatologist if it does not suit your skin, if you experience redness, swelling, itching, irritation, loss of color (e.g. white blotches) or darkening during use, or if the above conditions appear after your skin is exposed to direct sunlight. Continuing to use the product may worsen these symptoms.
● Avoid contact with eyes. If the product gets in the eyes or your eyes feel irritated (or your vision blurred), rinse immediately and thoroughly without rubbing. Consult an ophthalmologist if discomfort persists.
● Remove contact lenses before use.
● Do not use this product to wipe the sink or furniture, or leave it on these items.
● Non-soluble. Do not flush the product down the toilet.
● Keep away from high temperatures or direct sunlight.
Place of origin
Made in Japan
ビオレ クリアふきとりシート 32枚入り
EAN code