Laundry ・Fabric care products|Laundry detergent
Production of this product ends on 2024/03/31 and will be discontinued as soon as we run out of stock in stores. Thank you very much for using our products for a long time.
With technology that combat musty odors even when laundry is hung up to dry indoors※1. Completely deodorizes the odor caused by hanging laundry to dry indoors. Our アタック liquid detergent’s best cleaning power ever. Reduces the accumulation of bacteria-harboring stains and odors to zero※2. Removes hiding places of bacteria※3 by containing the highest level of ingredients※4 to remove hiding places of bacteria※3. “Antibacterial + (Plus) ※5※6” “Eliminates viruses※7” “Prevents mold in washing tanks※5” Does not contain fluorescent brightening agents. Also contains Bio IOS, a cleaning ingredient that aims for both “high cleaning power” and “eco-friendliness.” ※1 A deodorizing approach that includes fragrance design ※2 Effects of reducing the accumulation of polysaccharide stains ※3 Repeated washes remove polysaccharide stains ※4 Within the アタック liquid detergent range ※5 This does not guarantee suppression of all bacterial and mold growth. ※6 In addition to antibacterial effects, controls the odor metabolism of odor-causing bacteria ※7 Does not guarantee the elimination of all viruses. Tested effectiveness with one type of enveloped virus
アタックZERO パーフェクトスティック 7本入り
アタックZERO パーフェクトスティック 部屋干し 7本入り
アタックZERO ワンハンドタイプ 400g
アタックZERO 部屋干し ワンハンドタイプ 380g
アタックZERO ドラム式専用 ワンハンドタイプ 400g
アタックZERO自動投入専用 つめかえ用 650g
アタック抗菌EX 本体 750g
アタック抗菌EX 部屋干し用 本体720g
アタック除菌アドバンス 本体720g
アタックラク干し 本体 690g
アタック消臭ストロングジェル 本体
Sunshine Breeze Scent (Slightly scented)
● Do not use for other than the intended use.
● Keep out of reach of small children.
● Carefully select the place to store the product in order to prevent sufferers of dementia from accidentally swallowing the product.
● Wash hands thoroughly with water after use.
● Use kitchen gloves if your skin is prone to roughness, you are using the product for long periods of time or using the undiluted solution.
● Wipe with water immediately if the undiluted solution gets on plastic areas of your washing machine, including the lid. The area may become damaged if left unwiped.
● Do not keep the undiluted solution on garments for a long time after application.
アタックZERO 部屋干し 本体 380g
EAN code